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~ Right Tool for the Right Job ~ |
I don't know.
It all depends on you and what you like.
Don't you just hate answers like that?
Either one will get the job done. The rest is just a matter of personal preference.
I started out working on Minetest mods with Gedit, a Linux-based text editor, then moved up to Geany and then, later, moved on to Eclipse.
I still use Gedit a lot when working on mods for the simple fact that it looks entirely different than Eclipse.
I've changed the background color of Gedit and the font color so it doesn't look like the black-on-white of Eclipse. With all the other widows littering both of my monitors, when I see code in Gedit's color scheme, I know those are the "for reference only" lua files.
It's a personal preference thing.
Because of the way Minetest mods are setup to work, Gedit may have half a dozen or more tabs open that all say "init.lua". That can be a hazard if one of those init.lua tabs is the one you are working on and you mistakenly make edits in one of the other init.lua tabs that were supposed to be "for reference only". So my personal preference is to keep my reference files open in a completely separate program away from my working files.
Another personal preference thing: while Eclipse is stationary and focused on a group of project files, Gedit bounces all over the place as I look for code clues.
Gedit is my "go-for" (the workplace "gopher" pun) program while Eclipse is my "get it done" program.
I switched from Geany to Eclipse because Eclipse does a better job of managing my various Minetest mod projects and points out errors in my Lua code before I run it. Had it not been for those two issues, I probably would have stuck with Geany... maybe.
Now that I've been using Eclipse for a few months I'm becoming more comfortable with it and I'm not so sure I'd want to switch back to Geany.
Getting started with Eclipse took some trial-and-error but once I figured out how Eclipse managed all the files related to a mod by grouping them together into what Eclipse calls "workspaces" I was pretty much convinced Eclipse was the right tool for the job.
Then, when Eclipse started displaying the problem spots in my code... that sealed the deal for me.
I had tried a few other text editors, code editors, IDEs... whatever, but none of them would manage my code projects like Eclipse does.
ZeroBrane Studio is another program that I looked at. ZeroBrane is written in Lua and is focused on code development using Lua.
What first turned me off from ZeroBrane was having to edit its code just to increase the font size of text in its editing window. In other programs you either change the font size in the preferences menu or use "Ctrl +" to increase the font size on-the-fly.
It just didn't seem right that I had to edit the code of a code editing program to be able to see the code I was trying to edit.
Yes, I could write the Lua code for my preferences in ZeroBrane.
No, I shouldn't have to write code for my preferences on basic things like font size. Especially when just about every other text editor, word processor, email, forum, blog... anything out there short of an old fashioned typewriter, allows the user to adjust such preferences with a mouse click.
Bottom line, it doesn't matter what code editor you use so long as it helps you get the job done with the least amount of frustration.
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