Showing posts with label Build Concepts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Build Concepts. Show all posts

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Mansions and Villages are Similar in Layout

A light-bulb that is shining in a black background.
 ~ Minetest Ideas ~ 
When you feel you have run out of ideas of what to build, start looking at the things around you in different ways. You might surprise yourself with inspiration found hidden in the things around you.

For a while I had been looking at pictures of mansions for ideas for another project. Stuck for inspiration, I switched back to building roads and paths for a little village project of mine.

Roads and paths can be quite tedious but they aren't very taxing. They are productive exercises that allow your creativity to rest and recover.

As I was working on the roads I had to decide whether to make the roads in a grid pattern - as if the settlement were rigidly planned by some governor, or to make the roads and paths winding and organic - as if they were just there simply because that's the most convenient, well-worn route people took.

I began to think about the roads and paths I've seen used in villages built by others.

In my time, I've seen several Minetest villages that were laid out in perfectly spaced, evenly proportioned grid patterns and I've always seen them as nothing more than small villages.

But this time,... perhaps because I had just been looking through a bunch of mansion pictures,... in my mind's eye,... I caught a glimpse of something else.

Those perfectly spaced, evenly proportioned, villages where all of the houses were the same size, same proportions, same boxy look,... that type of layout,... from above,... looked very similar to the floor plan of a mansion.

As the fog of that notion gradually lifted, a concept started taking shape.

I began to imagine the roads as if they were hallways and the shacks as if they were rooms. The grass areas surrounding the shacks were the space for furniture, small sculptures, trophy cases, and paintings along the rooms in the mansion.

The village fields could be ground-level gardens or large baths or small, indoor swimming pools, or whatever large, open space may be in a mansion.

A ballroom?

A gym?

A large, open room for hosting gatherings or meetings or a big, empty room just to prove they have money to waste on wasted space?

A more practical use of the once-a-field-now-an-open-space would be to make a stair case there. After all, you need a way to move up and down between the different floors of a mansion.

Now flip the idea around - how to build a village?

Build the first floor of a mansion and instead of a single ceiling covering a bunch of rooms, have open sky and put roofs on the rooms. Instead of carpeting and a marble floor use grass and gravel. The large courtyard of the mansion could become the village's market square.

So the next time you would like to build a mansion, but are stuck for ideas, try starting your plan with a village in mind instead of a mansion.

On the flip-side, if you want to build a village, but are stuck for ideas, start your building plan with the layout of a one-level mansion that has no ceiling.

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Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Use Different Materials

On the left - the "before" image of a cobble shack, on the right - the "after" image of the improved shack.
~  Before and After ~
(click picture for larger version)
One of things I see a lot of players do is to use the same material (typically cobble) for the walls, ceiling, floor, roof, and ground platform that their build is on.

Texture packs change the overall image of a build, but texture packs won't improve the quality of the build.

If you want to improve the quality of your builds, one of the simplest things you can do is to use different materials for the different parts of the the build.

For example, a cobble shack can be improved by simply adding a wood floor and roof, and leaving the grass around the outside instead of paving it over with cobble.

Exterior - Before

The typical, all-cobble, tiny shack that everyone has built at some time.
~  Typical Shack ~
(click picture for larger version)
The typical, all-cobble, ugly, little shack sitting on a cobble pad that is all too common on Minetest servers. Visual monotony is being created by using the same material for almost every aspect of this build.

Exterior - After

Same shack, but with some simple design changes, greatly improved..
~  Typical Shack - Improved! ~
(click picture for larger version)
Here is the same shack, greatly improved just by using different materials and adding some simple design changes. With the exception of the smoking chimney top, all the materials used in the visual upgrade are default materials found on most Minetest servers.

Interior - Before

The typical, boring, interior; cobble walls, cobble ceiling and floor.
~ Typical Shack Interior  ~
(click picture for larger version)
The typical, boring, interior of cobble walls, cobble floor, and cobble ceiling. Even if this were an old-time jail cell, it could be improved by adding a stone floor. But,... this is intended to be a cozy little bungalow, not a jail cell.

Interior - After

Cobble walls with wood floors, red-brick chimney, a furnace, and 21 chests in the attic.
~ Typical Shack Interior - Improved!  ~
(click picture for larger version)
Still cobble walls but now there is a floor made of default wood, the corner support posts are made from default tree trunks, there is a default furnace backed against a chimney of default red-brick, housed under a roof made of default wood with an attic space filled with twenty-one! default chests.

By using a variety of default materials, which are not rare or exotic by any means, this typical, junk-build, cobble shack was transformed into a pleasant looking little bungalow.

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